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18 posts tagged


Azure MySQL as a Service - What is it

[/content/images/wordpress/2018/03/azuremysql.png] Every time we wanted to deploy an application to Azure that needed to connect to a MySQL


Integrating Azure Container Instances in AKS

In a previous blog post [] , I talked about how excellent


Azure Site Recovery - Protecting your Azure IaaS workloads

Having a disaster recovery plan is not something new. The thing that we need to be aware of is that outages and security breaches are becoming


Deploying your containers to Kubernetes using VSTS

Visual Studio Team Services or VSTS is Microsoft’s cloud offering that provides a complete set of tools and services that ease the life of sma


Kubernetes managed clusters in Azure

Coming from the infrastructure world, I would say that I had a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around how you would manage containers when


Using Azure App Service for Wordpress - What you need to know

What I think is pretty clear that we all know WordPress and have something to love or hate about it. I use for blogging, some friends are usin


Post-Event Azure Academy Timisoara

Today marks the end of the Azure Academy pilot. I had fun talking with students about Azure, Automation, PowerShell and DevOPS. For those tha


Running Linux web apps in Azure App Service

[/content/images/wordpress/2017/09/appservice.jpg] If we look at the statistics of Azure, we will see that most of the Virtual Machines that
