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16 posts tagged

Azure PowerShell

Cosmos DB as a config store for automations

Cosmos DB as a config store for automations

My daily activity is figuring out new things that need to be eliminated from the clickfest so we don't have to do manual work, which is, i

Migrating your all your shell automations to AKS

Migrating your all your shell automations to AKS

In a previous post (Modernizing Functions in Kubernetes), I talked about modernizing Azure Functions that are deployed as containers. The upda


Speaking at Azure Global Bootcamp in Cluj

[/content/images/wordpress/2017/04/2017bootcamp.png] For the 5th year in a row, ITCamp Community is organising Global Azure Boot Camp (https


Azure VMs - Convert regular Storage Account Disks to Managed Disks

In an earlier blog post [] , I talked about what is a


Azure Virtual Network Peering - What is it and how to use it

[] Virtual network peering is a new mechanism in Azure Resourc


Azure Resource Policies - What they are and how to use them

In a previous post [] I was talking and demonstrat


PSUG Romania @ Bucharest Cegeka Academy

[] I’ve received an e-mail two weeks ago from a frequent reader of this


Enrolling Azure VMs in Operations Management Suite

[] In a previous post I talked about Operations Management Suite aka
