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14 posts tagged


Speaking at Azure Global Bootcamp in Cluj

[/content/images/wordpress/2017/04/2017bootcamp.png] For the 5th year in a row, ITCamp Community is organising Global Azure Boot Camp (https


Converting existing VM deployment ARM templates to use Managed Disks

In my last blog post [] , I talked about why we should


Azure Managed Disks - What are they and how to use them

Every service that you use in Azure uses storage. We want everything that we create in Azure to be persistent because if it would be temporary


NSG in ARM Template - Little nugget to be careful of

A friend of mine was having issues connecting to a couple of VMs that he provisioned using an ARM template. The template worked perfectly unti


Azure Virtual Network Peering - What is it and how to use it

[] Virtual network peering is a new mechanism in Azure Resourc


Azure Resource Policies - What they are and how to use them

In a previous post [] I was talking and demonstrat


ARM Template - Creating NGINX Webfarm with Custom Script Extension

A friend of mine recently started working with Azure and loved it once he got the hang of it. I encouraged him to start using PowerShell to au


Creating custom RBAC roles in Azure Resource Manager

[] These days I was doing some Azure work for a customer and I was
