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7 posts tagged

Azure VMs

Native RDP / SSH with Azure Bastion

Native RDP / SSH with Azure Bastion

I've talked about Azure Bastion in the past -> Azure Bastion - Managed Jump Server ( [

Azure Proximity Placement Groups

Azure Proximity Placement Groups

This month Proximity Placement Groups have been announced as a public preview offer and this post is here to tell you about them. For a long t

Azure Service Fabric in production -Field notes

Azure Service Fabric in production -Field notes

I’ve been holding off this post for a while now to gather more information, to figure out how things can be done better and so on. This post i

What is Network Watcher - Azure Cloud NetMonitoring on steroids

What is Network Watcher - Azure Cloud NetMonitoring on steroids

Network troubleshooting in the cloud was always a pain. Let’s talk about the Azure Network Watcher and what it can do for you. Running workloa

Azure - Application Security Groups

Azure - Application Security Groups

Security is not something to kid about and when it comes to cloud, you have to be very through when you’re deploying your cloud infrastructure


Resetting RHEL Root PW with Azure Serial Console

Oh Snap. Did this problem ever happen to you? If yes, then you know that the way to solving this issue is by booting the distro into the Singl

Azure Serial Console - What is it

Azure Serial Console - What is it

For a long time Azure had a feature that permitted the users to see what was happening when the VM was booting which allowed them to do root
