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5 posts tagged


Azure Container Apps - Getting our feet wet.

Azure Container Apps - Getting our feet wet.

Deploying applications in the cloud may be too much for beginners, but think of Azure Container Apps as a service for determining the technica

E2E use of KEDA in production

E2E use of KEDA in production

I've written about KEDA before, but only in a little detail. A couple of weeks ago, a colleague asked me about KEDA because he saw my blog

KEDA - Creating Scalable Jobs

KEDA - Creating Scalable Jobs

KEDA works excellent when paired with code that runs on top of the Azure Functions containers. You have running services that monitor a queue,

KEDA 2.0 - An update from KEDA 1.0

KEDA 2.0 - An update from KEDA 1.0

In a previous blog post – Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes [] –

Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes

Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes

KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling) is an opensource project built by Microsoft in collaboration with Red Hat, which provides eve
