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6 posts tagged


E2E use of KEDA in production

E2E use of KEDA in production

I've written about KEDA before, but only in a little detail. A couple of weeks ago, a colleague asked me about KEDA because he saw my blog

Migrating containers to Universal Base Images

Migrating containers to Universal Base Images

Going back to an article that I wrote a while ago, Container security in the Cloud. A state of uncertainty. - Florin Loghiade [https://florinl


Post Event - Conferinta de Cloud 2018

On the 19th of April, we hosted the second edition of our premium cloud conference in Bucharest which we improved greatly since our first star


Post-Event ITCamp Community Meetup - 13.02.2018 - Cluj-Napoca

On the 13th of February, we hosted a Winter ITCamp Community event in Cluj-Napoca. At the event, we talked about containers, SOLID principles


Hosting a single container in Azure - Azure Container Instances

You’ve probably heard of containers and what you can do with them in some simple scenarios. Containers brought an exciting concept in applicat


Running Linux web apps in Azure App Service

[/content/images/wordpress/2017/09/appservice.jpg] If we look at the statistics of Azure, we will see that most of the Virtual Machines that
