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4 posts tagged

Azure Kubernetes

Playing around with Kubernetes

Playing around with Kubernetes

Today, the first of June, is International Children's Day in Romania, so that is a better way to celebrate than playing around with differ

AAD / Exchange online management using AKS.

AAD / Exchange online management using AKS.

Group management is necessary to have governance and compliance in check. The main idea of any governance talk is to have Azure Policies and A

Running Azure Bots in Kubernetes

Running Azure Bots in Kubernetes

Recently I started working a lot more with Kubernetes and I started migrating more and more workloads towards it. My latest challenge was to

Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes

Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes

KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling) is an opensource project built by Microsoft in collaboration with Red Hat, which provides eve
