Running Multi-Containers in Azure Web Apps
Running a container in the cloud is quite easy these days but how about multi-web app containers? In this post, we will find out about the mu
Getting started with a multi-container in Azure Web Apps is quite easy as a matter of fact; The documentation is quite good as a starting point but when we want it to in production is where the real problems start.
Doing everything from the portal is an option but my preferred method is to use the Azure Cloud Shell or Visual Studio Code with the Azure module where you load the Azure Cloud Shell
These are the basic steps you have to take in order to get a multi-container web app up and running. The last step uses the –multicontainer-config-type compose which has the following code inside it
version: '3.3' services: db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/mysql restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress MYSQL_USER: wordpress MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress wordpress: depends_on: - db image: wordpress:latest ports: - "8000:80" restart: always environment: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306 WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress volumes: db_data:
The docker-compose file is in YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) and you can see in there that you have two services referenced, DB and WordPress; This means that the docker-compose is telling the App Service to run two containers in parallel. Down below is a small explanation of the docker-compose specific commands
Setting block | Explanation |
Services | The services block is where you define the containers that will run; The format is like this; services: servicename: <settings> |
Image | The container image that the App Service will pull. It can be any container registry, public or private |
Volumes | Where the container will write its files; By default, it’s running the files inside the container but you can specify an external “folder” where to write the files |
Restart | This is the container restart policy; If the container crashes then you want docker to restart it. These are the following restart policies available at the time writing this article restart: no restart: always restart: on-failure restart: unless-stopped |
Environment | Instantiate or use one or more environment variables; App Service configuration fields are set up as key-value pairs inside a container |
Depends_on | Depends_on field means that this container will not start unless the depending containers are already running |
Ports | This means on which port the container should run and if it should be exposed to the internet The syntax is as follows: EXPOSED_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT 8000:80 -> Means instantiate the container on port 80 expose it as port 8000 on the host |
The table from above explains the relevant setting blocks we’re going to need when we will be using the multi-container feature in Azure App Services. The most important setting of them all is the ports one. Why you may ask? Well in App Services you cannot override the default 80/443 ports, you only have the possibility of mapping them.
In the example above you’re seeing that port 80 on the WordPress container is mapped to port 8000 on the App Service and that the “db” service is not exposed in any way. By mapping port 80 to port 8000 tells the App Service how to route traffic to that specific container.
If you look closely to the docker-compose file, you’re going to see an environment variable called WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
environment:<br> WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
Docker, Kubernetes, and other container runtimes/orchestrators offer by default a service discovery feature where it simply requires the alias, service name or label and it will automagically make things happen on the backend without having to deal with any networking.
In the example above, having a service named “db” means that container IP (whatever it may be) has a DB value attached to it (like DNS) which allows us to tell the WordPress container that hey the database you’re looking for is this called “DB” and Dockers problem to tell you the IP Address.
First. At the time of writing this article -It’s a preview offering with no SLA and any disaster is on you.
Concept, demo, POC environments are easy because you’re not exposing them to the real world. There are multiple problems that can appear with multi-container apps and I have not experienced them all. As long as you know your app well and you know that it can run without any problems wrapped in a single App Service then you should not have any problems.
I personally don’t recommend multi-containers in one service (App Service / Pod) because it goes against the one container -> one service design principle but there are cases where they fit together like a glove. Very rare cases.
My experience of running multi-container applications in App Services and Kubernetes (multi-container pods) is not that positive. If you’re not involved from the start in the dev/modernization process then it’s going to be a very rough ride.
Problems that you might hit when running the multi-container feature in App Services.
You might go to the valley of “do as I say and not as I do”. Setting the joke aside, I very carefully analyze the possible issues that might arise with an application and do a cost/benefit analysis as well. In some cases, the benefits outweigh the risks and it’s worth the hassle.
That being said, this feature works quite well with new applications but not with recently modernized applications.
Have a good one!