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Florin Loghiade

Florin Loghiade

Florin Loghiade is a Microsoft Azure MVP and Microsoft Certified Professional with over ten years of industry experience specialized in Cloud Architecture Design and Cloud Governance & Security.

Romania 103 posts
Migrating containers to Universal Base Images

Migrating containers to Universal Base Images

Going back to an article that I wrote a while ago, Container security in the Cloud. A state of uncertainty. - Florin Loghiade [https://florinl

Guest Configuration issue with Azure ARC managed servers

Guest Configuration issue with Azure ARC managed servers

I will keep this post as short as possible. If you're managing your servers with Azure Arc then be wary that by having the default Guest

Azure Key Vault integration with AKS clusters

Azure Key Vault integration with AKS clusters

Using credentials in your applications is not a new thing. We use credentials to connect to databases, storage accounts, and other services. W

Auto-Shutting down Azure VMs based on users time zone

Auto-Shutting down Azure VMs based on users time zone

Shutting down a virtual machine is a very easy job. You just go to the portal and press the stop button or you can just as simply run a Stop-A

Managing on-premises servers with Azure Arc

Managing on-premises servers with Azure Arc

Recently I implemented Azure Arc in a production deployment. After seeing that it's working perfectly outside a POC/Demo environment, I de

Deployment Scripts in ARM Templates

Deployment Scripts in ARM Templates

I’ve been authoring ARM templates since Azure moved from the Service Manager model to the Resource Manager model, and I never regretted it. W

Azure Image Builder - Build and Maintain golden images with ease

Azure Image Builder - Build and Maintain golden images with ease

If you’re an on-premises person and start now with the cloud, you might be familiar with golden images. You know the benefits of having golden

KEDA 2.0 - An update from KEDA 1.0

KEDA 2.0 - An update from KEDA 1.0

In a previous blog post – Serverless anywhere with Kubernetes [] –
